Robins School of Business Feature Stories

Scott Weiss
Powering the future
A study abroad experience in Copenhagen inspired alum Scott Weiss to pursue a career in renewable energy.
Colleen Hall
Brushstrokes of the Heart
Colleen Hall, '91, P'23, turns special memories, beloved family members, and sacred places into timeless works of art.
Lexie Moskovit
Inside the huddle
Lexie Moskovit paired her love of sports and academic pursuits through internships with the Cleveland Browns.
Madison Slesinski
Student Experience
Unlocking new doors
An internship with a London-based alum’s luxury housing rental company proves to be a defining moment for undergrad Madison Slesinski.
Teaching Fellow
Empowering Educators

Teaching Fellows at the Robins School mentor and guide colleagues to help them become better teachers.

Josie Scramlin
Avian aspirations
Josie Scramlin’s summer internship with a bird sanctuary helped guide her career choices.