International Business Concentration Requirements

The International Business Concentration

The International business (IBUS) concentration can only be taken as a secondary concentration by students who have another concentration in business administration (including only: accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, management consulting, marketing), a major in accounting, a major in economics (business), or an Arts & Sciences major in a foreign language.

In addition to satisfying the B.S.B.A. degree requirements, the IBUS concentration student also must satisfy international knowledge and international cultural experience requirements.

International Knowledge Requirements

These requirements consist of international business knowledge.

International Business Knowledge, four courses, including:

  • IBUS281 International Business Environment

  • IBUS411 International Business Strategy* [note: IBUS 411 is taken in place of BUAD497 in the business core.]

  • One international business, marketing, or management course chosen from:

    • MKT325 International Marketing

    • MGMT333 Cross Cultural Management

    • MGMT341 Global Supply Chain Management

    • MGMT348 Environmental Management

    • IBUS359 Special Topics in International Business

    • IBUS390 International Business Issues

    • or other international focused management or marketing course approved by the associate dean for international business programs

  • One international finance or economics course chosen from:

    • FIN462 International Financial Management

    • ECON210 The Economics of the European Union

    • ECON211 Economic Development in Asia, Africa and Latin America

    • ECON215 International Monetary Economics

    • ECON310 International Trade and Finance

    • ECON315 Advanced International Macroeconomics

    • or other international focused finance or economics course approved by the associate dean for international business programs

International Cultural Experience Requirements

International Cultural Experience: Students concentrating in international business must complete one of two international cultural experiences:

  • Successfully complete an approved university-level program of study in a foreign country for at least one semester

  • Live in another country for at least 12 continuous weeks other than study abroad experience

International Business

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  • IBUS 259 Special Topics in International Business

    Units: 0.5

    International Business topics not covered in other courses.
  • IBUS 281 International Business Environment

    Units: 1

    Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Power/Equity/Identity/Cult (IFPE)

    Introduction to field of international business: national economic and cultural differences; international trade policies and institutions; foreign direct investment; regional economic integration; international monetary system; global competition; current international business trends and developments. Usually offered every semester.
  • IBUS 359 Special Topics in International Business

    Units: 0.5

    International Business topics not covered in other courses to enhance the International Business concentration.
  • IBUS 387 Cross Cultural Awareness

    Units: 0.25

    Mechanism through which students can gain insights about their level of cultural adaptability in order to enhance their ability to interact with persons from other cultures and to effectively function socially and professional in the global economy. The short-term objective of the course is to enhance the study abroad experience. The longer–term objective is to help them function more effectively domestically and globally in multicultural environments.



    Concurrentenrollmentin study abroad

  • IBUS 389 Directed Independent Study

    Units: 0.5

    Independent research on an international business topic conducted under the direct supervision of a faculty member.



    Permission of instructor

  • IBUS 390 International Business Issues

    Units: 1

    Examination of a variety of international business issues. Recent topics have been national competitiveness and the global imperative; the truth about outsourcing. Specific topic determined by professor and announced during the registration period.



    Junior or senior standing. Other prerequisites may be specified by the instructor

  • IBUS 411 International Business Strategy

    Units: 1

    Capstone course for the international business concentration. Readings and in-depth case studies on strategy formulation and implementation in the global business area. Emphasis on emerging competitive trends such as transnational enterprises and collaborative international business arrangements. This course may be completed in lieu of BUAD 497 Strategic Management. Usually offered every spring.



    IBUS 281 and senior standing