Robins Academic Advising

Undergraduate Course Catalog

Students may have only one major in the school of business, chosen from accounting, business administration, or economics. A concentration(s) may be attached to any of these majors but is only required for the business administration major. Students' graduation requirements are established by the catalog in effect during the academic year in which they enter the university. For a current list of curriculum and requirements, please visit the Undergraduate Catalog. For past lists of curriculum and requirements, please visit the Catalog Archives and choose the relevant academic year. No Robins School courses may be taken pass/fail, and no Robins School student may take a class pass/fail, unless the course is only offered pass/fail. To see the full policy, visit this page.

Robins Courses

Foundational Business Classes: These are courses that should be taken prior to registering for upper-level business classes. All foundational business classes are not necessarily prerequisite classes, however, it is recommended for all of the foundational business classes to be completed before taking upper-level business classes.

Core Business Classes. These are the upper-level courses that MUST be completed once a student has declared his or her major. These required courses are taken in tandem with major and concentration area courses.

Major/ Concentration Classes. These are the courses associated with each major and concentration. Specific courses required may be found on the department pages located on the column to the left of this page.

Foundational Business Classes
MATH 211, ACCT 201, ACCT 205, BUAD 202, BUAD 205, ECON 101, ECON 102

Core Business Classes
FIN 360, MKT 320, MGMT 225, MGMT 330, MGMT 340, BUAD 393, BUAD 394, BUAD 497 or IBUS 411, and an International Focus Course which may be taken as part of the major requirements or approved semester-long study abroad program.

Advising and Registration

All foundational business and core business classes are offered every semester. Here is a recommended guideline for when foundational business classes should be taken. Core business classes are typically taken during the junior and senior years.

MATH 211*¹

Must be completed by end of fall semester sophomore year

ACCT 201*¹

Typically completed by end of fall semester sophomore year, and is a prerequisite course for core business classes

ACCT 205

Should be completed before the end of sophomore year; must have first completed ACCT 201 (not required for accounting majors)

BUAD 202* or ECON 170

BUAD 202 should be completed before the end of the sophomore year and is a prerequisite course for core business classes

BUAD 205

Recommended completing no later than during sophomore year

ECON 101*¹

Generally taken fall semester freshman year; Must be completed by end of fall semester sophomore year

ECON 102*

Generally taken spring semester freshman year; should be completed by end of sophomore year

*Prerequisite to all other upper-level business classes
¹ Denotes classes required before business school declaration process

Transfer Course Work

If students wish to take a business course over the summer at another AACSB recognized institution, they must submit a completed Transfer Work Approval form and attach the course syllabus from that institution.

For courses to be taken while studying abroad, including during summer, contact the Director of Business Study Abroad Programs, Fae Bell


Internships in the Robins School may be awarded .25 units of academic credit. It requires applied field experience for a minimum of 50 work hours. Following the field experience, a short paper is required that describes the organization's history, size, number of locations, ownership, products, and services, major competitors, and major customers. Graded pass/fail. May be taken no more than once per academic year and may not be repeated more than twice without permission of the dean. All internships for credit require the approval of the associate dean of undergraduate business programs. Internship requirements do not apply to the summer internship program administered by the Office of International Education.

RSB Independent Study Policy

Independent studies within the Robins School require the approval of the instructor, the department chair, and the associate dean of undergraduate business programs prior to the work undertaken for the independent study. Independent studies within the Robins School will not typically duplicate available course offerings and content. Each independent study must provide a rigorous academic experience with learning objectives and scope comparable to other undergraduate business courses. The student is expected to produce a final academic product to be completed during the semester for which he/she is registered for the course. The instructor will submit a final grade at the end of the semester in which the independent study was undertaken. The course may not be pass/fail.