Valaria Vendrzyk
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Grants and Fellowships
"The Effect of Book-Tax Conformity on Financial and Tax Reporting Aggressiveness: A Longitudinal Study," Sponsored by E.C. Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, $7,500.00. (May 2011 - August 2011).
"Community Based Learning Faculty Fellowship," Sponsored by Center for Civic Engagement, University of Richmond, $2,800.00. (May 2010 - April 2011). -
Salbador A. Deborah, van der Laan Smith Joyce, Vendrzyk P. Valaria, The relations among IFRS adoption, book-tax conformity, and firms' reporting incentives, 35th EAA Annual Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vendrzyk P. Valaria, Salbador A. Deborah, The Relation between Book-Tax Conformity and Tax and Financial Reporting, Annual Conference on Taxation, New Orleans, LA
Vendrzyk P. Valaria, Salbador A. Deborah, The Effect of Book-Tax Conformity on Tax and Financial Reporting Aggressiveness: A Longitudinal Study, Research Seminar, Lincoln, NE
Vendrzyk P. Valaria, Preparing the Future Generation of IS Auditors, Seminar, Richmond, VA
Vendrzyk P. Valaria, The Cost of Debt and Capital Expenditures in the Defense Industry: The Economic Impact of Implied Facilities Cost of Money Subsidies, Annual Meeting
Vendrzyk P. Valaria, Preparing the Future Generation of IS Auditors, Monthly meeting, Richmond, VA
Vendrzyk P. Valaria, Salbador A Deborah, A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Changes in Tax Legislation on Levels of Tax Preferences among Selected Industries, Annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Vendrzyk P. Valaria, Salbador A Deborah, A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Changes in Tax Legislation on Levels of Tax Preferences among Selected Industries, Research workshop, Richmond, VA
Salbador A Deborah, Vendrzyk P. Valaria, A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Changes in Tax Legislation on Levels of Tax Preferences among Selected Industries, Research workshop, Blacksburg, VA -
Professional Experience
Previous positions include:
John E. Peterson Jr. Research Fellow and Associate Professor, Virginia Tech. (August 2001 - June 2003).
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech. (August 1995 - July 2001).
Assistant Professor, Drake University. (August 1993 - May 1995).
Research and Teaching Assistant, Texas A&M University. (August 1990 - July 1993).
Director, Internal Audit and Corporate Planning, Computer Data Systems Incorporated. (March 1989 - June 1990).
Director, Cost Accounting and Management Reporting, Planning Research Corporation. (January 1988 - March 1989).
Director, Financial Planning, Planning Research Corporation. (March 1984 - January 1988).
Manager. Financial Planning and Analysis, Pangborn Company, SOHIO Industries. (September 1982 - March 1984).
Financial /Marketing Analyst, Pangborn Company, SOHIO Industries. (September 1980 - September 1982).
Cost Accountant, Pangborn Company, SOHIO Industries. (May 1978 - September 1980).
Internal Auditor, General Public Utilities Service Corporation. (November 1976 - May 19). -
Certified Public Accountant
Institutional Service
Robins School Research Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Member, Cultural Affairs (Ho to serve as sabbatical replacement). (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Committee Member, Robins School Research Committee. (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Program to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness (PETE). (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Member, Program to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness (PETE) (Hoyle to serve as sabbatical replacement). (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Grants and Fellowships
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Carolyn M. Callahan, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Maureen G. Butler, The Impact of Implied Facilities Cost of Money Subsidies on Capital Expenditures and the Cost of Debt in the Defense Industry, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2012, 301-319
Carolyn S. Norman, Mark D. Payne, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Assessing Information Technology General Control Risk: An Instructional Case, Issues in Accounting Education, 2009, 63-76
Irvin T. Nelson, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Jeffrey J. Quirin, Stacy E. Kovar, Trends in Accounting Student Characteristics: Results from a 15-year Longitudinal Study at FSA Schools, Issues in Accounting Education, 2008, 373-389
Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Debra A. Salbador, An Examination of the Relations among Tax Preferences, Implicit Taxes, and Market Power in a Noncompetitive Market, Journal of the American Taxation Association, 2006, 47-67
Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Nancy A. Bagranoff, The Evolving Role of IS Audit: A Field Study Comparing the Perceptions of IS and Financial Auditors, Advances in Accounting, 2003, 141-163
Annie S. McGowan, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, The Relation between Cost Shifting and Segment Profitability in the Defense-Contracting Industry, The Accounting Review, 2002, 949-969
Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Irvin T. Nelson, Jeffrey J. Qurin, Robert D. Allen, No, The Sky is Not Falling: Evidence of Accounting Student Characteristics at FSA Schools, 1995-2000, Issues in Accounting Education, 2002, 269-287
Valaria P. Vendrzyk, How Management Accountants Assess the Quality of Data Warehouses, Management Accounting Quarterly, 2001, 28-33
Rumy Sen, Tarun K. Sen, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, An Instrument for Assessing Quality of Data Warehouses, Journal of Data Warehousing, 2000, 31-41
Nancy A. Bagranoff, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, The Changing Role of IS Audit Among the Big Five US-Based Accounting Firms, Information Systems Control Journal, 2000, 33-37
Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Annie S. McGowan, An Examination of the Economic Consequences Associated with Government Contractors' SCjoice of Cost Allocation Bases, The Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, 1999, 90-105
Jonathan M. Karpoff, D. Scott Lee, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Defense Procurement Fraud, Penalties, and Contractor Influence, Journal of Political Economy, 1999, 809-842
Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Janice E. Lawrence, Foreign Direct Investment: A Way to Circumvent the Buy American Act, Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, 1997, 38-46
Irvin T. Nelson, Valaria P. Vendrzyk, Trends in Accounting Student Characteristics: A Longitudinal Study at FSA Schools 1991-95, Journal of Accounting Education, 1996, 453-475