Patricio Duran
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Diamond Award for Research Publications, Chaifetz School of Business (2021 & 2022)
Executive Master of International Business Teacher of the Year Award, Chaifetz School of Business, Saint Louis University (2020 & 2021)
International Management Division D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Best Dissertation Award, Academy of Management (2016)
Organization and Management Theory Best International Paper Award, Academy of Management (2016)
Carolyn Dexter Award Finalist, Academy of Management (2016)
Best Ph. D. Research Proposal Award, International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) (2015)
Best Unpublished Research Award, Family Firm Institute (2017)
Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management (2013, 2014, 2016, 2018)
Working Paper Series Best Paper Award, Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University (2017)
Fondecyt Project of Initiation in Research (US$57,000), Government of Chile, Fondecyt (2015-2018)
Jürgen-Hauschildt-Award of the Commission for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE) / VHB for the best scientific publication in empirical innovation management research, VHB German Academic Association for Business Research (2015)
Chilean Scholarship to Study a Ph.D. in the U.S., Government of Chile (2010-2015)
Rising Star in Family Business Research, IFERA (2016-2017)
Top Downloaded Article, Journal of Management Studies (2017-2018)
Most Cited Journal of Family Business Strategy Articles Published Since 2017, Journal of Family Business Strategy (2020)
Best Paper Finalist, IFERA Annual Conference (2013)
Best Paper Finalist, Academy of Management Specialized Conference, Mexico (2020)
Best Paper Finalist, Annual Academy of International Business Latin America Conference (2015, 2018)
Best Instructor Award, X-Culture.org/X-Culture Competition (2016)
Promising Research Award, Moore School of Business, Doctoral Student Association (2015)
International Student Achievement Award, University of South Carolina (2015)
Doctoral Travel Stipend, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Turkey (2013)
Research Grant Program (US$ 17,000), Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina (2014)
Travel Grant Award, University of South Carolina (2013)
Clear Thinker Award, General Electric Co. (2008)
Top Three Best Graduate Exam, University of Chile (2006)
“Corporate venture capital investment strategy: The unorthodox approach of family-controlled firms” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 5-9 (2022) Seattle, WA
“SEW and family firm performance” Asia Pacific Family Business Symposium (September 30, 2021) & EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research (September 16, 2021)
“Family entrepreneurship in Latin America: An international perspective” Panelist. Academy of International Business Latin America and the Caribbean, July 1 (2020)
“Advancing our understanding of business families and family business in Latin America” Academy of Management Specialized Conference, April 15-17 (2020) Mexico City, Mexico
“Altruism in business: A systematic review and research agenda” Academy of Management Specialized Conference, April 15-17 (2020) Mexico City, Mexico
“Patient style of management in sustainable businesses” Academy of Management Specialized Conference, April 15-17 (2020) Mexico City, Mexico
“Political risk and multinationals: From risk to opportunity” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 24-27 (2019) Copenhagen, Denmark
“The cognitive-cultural embeddedness of family firms: Implications for prevalence, strategy, and performance” Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, September 21-25 (2018) Paris, France
“Death and taxes: How do inheritance tax and shareholder protection affect the market value of family firms?” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 25-28 (2018) Minneapolis, MN
“How firms create value through corporate social performance: A meta-analysis” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 9-13 (2018) Chicago, IL
“Death and taxes: How do inheritance tax and shareholder protection affect the market value of family firms?” Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, March 9-10, (2018) Buenos Aires, Argentina
“Managing your doctoral studies: What we wish we had known!” PDW Workshop. Organizer and Presenter. International Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 4-8 (2017) Atlanta, GA
“Multilatinas: Theoretical contribution and managerial challenges” Panel, Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, March 8-10 (2017) Lima, Peru
“Family firm prevalence and international competitiveness: Revisiting Porter’s competitive advantage of nations” Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, March 8-10, (2017) Lima, Peru
“Strategy and performance of family firms: An institutional embeddedness perspective” International Management Division – Best Dissertation Award Session, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 5-9 (2016) Anaheim, CA
“Family firm internationalization: State models, business groups, and nonmarket resources” Strategic Management Society Special Conference, March 19-21 (2015) Santiago, Chile
“Is family firms’ internationalization special? A meta-analysis” Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, January 22-24 (2015) Santiago, Chile
“The role of political context in the internationalization of family-controlled firms in Chile” Panel: Internationalizaton of Latin American firms. Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, January 22-24 (2015) Santiago, Chile
“Family-legitimizing environment as key determinant of prevalence, strategy, and profitability” Symposium: Institutional complexity and corporate governance: Advancing the research agenda. Chair: Tatiana Kostova. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2-5, (2014) Philadelphia, PA
“Why does family firm performance vary in emerging markets? A middle-range institution-based theory” Competitive paper, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 8-13 (2013) Lake Buena Vista, FL
“Performance variation of publicly listed family firms in emerging markets: An institution-based view” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, July 3-6 (2013) Istanbul, Turkey
“Performance variation of publicly listed family firms in emerging markets: An institution-based view” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 9-13 (2013) Orlando, FL
Professional Experience
University of Richmond (Associate Professor of Management)
Saint Louis University (Assistant Professor in International Business)
Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (Academic Director of CEMS Master in International Management, Assistant Professor in Strategy and Management)
MatrixConsulting (Senior Consultant in Strategy)
General Electric Co. (Graduated from the Financial Management Program)
Six Sigma (General Electric Co.)
FMP (General Electric Co.)
Institutional Service
Member of the PhD Steering Committee (since 2021)
Member of the Strategic Plan Committee (2021)
Member of the Undergraduate Board Committee (since 2019)
Boeing Institute of International Business’ Podcast Committee (since 2021)
Faculty mentor for the International Business Club (since 2020)
International business internship – Faculty Mentor – Grace Arnold (2021)
Member of the PhD First-Year Qualifying Exams Committee (2020)
Honor Capstone Project Supervisor, Maia Delkammiller (2020)
Honor Capstone Project Supervisor, Emma Carmody (2020)
Honor Capstone Project Supervisor, Allison Ross (2020)EDITORIAL BOARD
Global Strategy Journal (2021-2024)GUEST EDITOR
Special issue “Family business in Latin America” Journal of Family Business StrategyREVIEWING
Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of International Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Organization & Environment, Journal of Business Research, Management and Organization Review, Scandinavian Journal of Management, and Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion.ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT
Chair, Track “The Embeddedness of Latin American Firms and Entrepreneurs”. Academy of Management Specialized Conference, April (2020) Mexico City, Mexico.
Organizer, Academy of Management Journal Paper Idea and Development Workshop, May (2019) Santiago, Chile.ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
Member of the Membership Drive Committee, International Management Division, Academy of Management (since 2020).
Chair, Session “Dealing with Political Risk.” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 24-27 (2019)
Copenhagen, Denmark. Chair, Session “Country-level Financial Analysis.” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 25-28 (2018) Minneapolis, MN.ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LATIN AMERICA
Program Co-Chair, Academy of International Business Latin America (2019-2021)
Pre-Conference Chair, Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, May (2020) Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Pre-Conference Chair, Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, March 14-16 (2019) Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Chair, Track “Entrepreneurship and Family Business” Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, March 9-10 (2018) Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Chair, Track “Entrepreneurship and Family Business” Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, March 8-10 (2017) Lima, Peru.
Panelist, Workshop “JIBS Paper Development Workshop” Academy of International Business Latin America Annual Meeting, March 8-10 (2017) Lima, Peru.STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SOCIETY
Chair, Track “Entrepreneurship and Family Business” Strategic Management Society Latin America Conference, February 19-20 (2019) Sao Paulo, Brazil.IBEROAMERICAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT
Chair, Track “Entrepreneurship and Family Business” Iberoamerican Academy of Management Conference, December 7-9 (2017) New Orleans, LA.UNIVERSIDAD ADOLFO IBANEZ
Member of the Ph.D. in Management Committee, School of Business, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Santiago, Chile (2018-2019)FONDECYT CHILE
Reviewer, Fondecyt Regular (2017) Government of Chile. Santiago, Chile.DOCTORAL AND MASTER STUDENT SUPERVISION
Chair, Dissertation Committee, Fabiola Jeldes, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (dissertation defended, 2020)
Chair, Master Thesis, Ignacio Ibañez and Joaquin Pichuante, Master in Marketing, Universidad Finis Terrae (2022)
External Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee, Maria Lapeira, Florida International University (dissertation defended, 2021)
Chair, Master Thesis, Pablo Vega, MSc. in Management Science, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2019)
Chair, International MBA thesis, Maria Jose Mella, Ariana Villagrán, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2018)
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Duran, P., Kammerlander, N., Van Essen, M., & Zellweger, T. (2016). Doing more with less: Innovation input and output in family firms. Academy of Management Journal, 59(4), 1224-1264.
Duran, P. (2016). An institutional perspective of the socioemotional-financial wealth relationship. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 14(3), 258-266.
Duran, P., Kostova, T., & Van Essen, M. (2017). Political ideologies and the internationalization of family-controlled firms. Journal of World Business, 52(4), 474-488.
Arregle, J. L., Duran, P., Hitt, M. A., & Van Essen, M. (2017). Why is family firms’ internationalization unique? A meta–analysis. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41(5), 801-831.
Carney, M., Duran, P., Van Essen, M., & Shapiro, D. (2017). Family firms, internationalization, and national competitiveness: Does family firm prevalence matter?. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8(3), 123-136.
Mutlu, C. C., Van Essen, M., Peng, M. W., Saleh, S. F., & Duran, P. (2018). Corporate governance in China: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 55(6), 943-979.
Duran, P., Van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P., Kostova, T., & Peng, M. W. (2019). The impact of institutions on the competitive advantage of publicly listed family firms in emerging markets. Global Strategy Journal, 9(2), 243-274.
Tihanyi, L., Aguilera, R. V., Heugens, P., Van Essen, M., Sauerwald, S., Duran, P., & Turturea, R. (2019). State ownership and political connections. Journal of Management, 45(6), 2293-2321.
Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Carneiro, J., Finchelstein, D., Duran, P., Gonzalez-Perez, M. A., Montoya, M. A., ... & Newburry, W. (2018). Uncommoditizing strategies by emerging market firms. Multinational Business Review, 27(2), 141-177.
Duran, P., & Ortiz, M. (2020). When more is better: Multifamily firms and firm performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(4), 761-783.
van Essen, M., Heugens, P. P., Duran, P., Saleh, S. F., Sauerwald, S., van Oosterhout, H., & Xie, E. (2020). How concentrated owners improve the performance of Asian firms: Filling voids or imposing effective governance?. Multinational Business Review, 28(1), 39-63.
Vishwanathan, P., van Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P. P., Duran, P., & Van Essen, M. (2020). Strategic CSR: A concept building meta‐analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 57(2), 314-350.
Berrone, P., Duran, P., Gómez-Mejía, L., Heugens, P. P., Kostova, T., & van Essen, M. (2020). Impact of informal institutions on the prevalence, strategy, and performance of family firms: A meta-analysis. Journal of International Business Studies, 1-25.
Aguilera, R., Duran, P., Heugens, P. P. M. A. R., Sauerwald, S., Turturea, R., & VanEssen, M. (2021). State ownership, political ideology, and firm performance around the world. Journal of World Business, 56(1), 101113.
Chen, V. Z., Duran, P., Sauerwald, S., Hitt, M. A., & Van Essen, M. (2021). Multistakeholder agency: Stakeholder benefit alignment and national institutional contexts. Journal of Management, 01492063211054403.
Ortiz, M., Carney, M., Duran, P., Braun, M., & Riutort, J. (2021). Inheritance tax, shareholder protection, and the market value of family firms: A cross‐country analysis. Global Strategy Journal, 11(3), 434-467.
Chen, V. Z., Zhong, M., Duran, P., & Sauerwald, S. (2022). Multi-stakeholder benefits: A meta-analysis of different theories. Business & Society. Doi: 10.1177/00076503221110181.
Cuervo‐Cazurra, A., Duran, P., Arregle, J. L., & van Essen, M. (2022). Host country politics and foreign multinational enterprises’ internationalization: A meta‐analytic review. Journal of Management Studies. Doi: 10.1111/joms.12853.
Book Chapters“Entrepreneurship in Chile” In Entrepreneurship in South America: Context, Diversity, Constraints, Opportunities and Prospects (Springer Texts in Business and Economics), 2022, Springer. - Links