Marina Astakhova
Marina Astakhova is an Associate Professor of Management at the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond. She was previously on the faculty of Soules College of Business at the University of Texas at Tyler. She received her Ph.D. degree in Management from Kent State University.
Her scholarly work and teaching have received numerous awards, including Best Poster Award (2014) from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, four Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management (2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017), Best Paper Award (2016) and Best Paper Runner-Up Award (2017) from the SIM Division at the Academy of Management. The book “Green Organizations: Driving Change with I-O Psychology, in which she co-authored a chapter, received the Organizations and the Natural Environments Division's Book Award (2014) at the Academy of Management. At the University of Texas at Tyler, Astakhova was the recipient of the President’s Scholarly Achievement Award (2021), George W. and Robert Pirtle Endowed Professorship (2019-2023), and Soules College of Business Research Award (2016). She also received Soules College of Business Teaching Award (2018), and Outstanding Executive Faculty Award for Teaching (2017, 2019).
Marina Astakhova worked with TACIS, the program sponsored by the European Union, where she assisted local entrepreneurs with business plan writing and grant applications. She also worked as an HR specialist at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. She continues to provide consulting for profit and non-profit U.S. organizations and involves her students in HR and OB client consulting projects.
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Robins School of Business Scholarly Activity Award 2024
Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2023
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Astakhova, M. N., Morgan, T., & Ho, V. T. (2024). A configural theory of person-environment fit through the lens of collectivism. Human Performance, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/08959285.2024.2419006
Astakhova, M. N., McKay, A., Doty, D. H., & Wooldridge, B. R. (2024). Does one size fit all? The role of job characteristics in cultivating work passion across knowledge, blue‐collar, nonprofit, and managerial work. Human Resource Management, 63, 443-462.
Astakhova, M., Ho, V. T., & Mo, R. A self-serving perspective on the obsessive work passion-to-helping at work relationships. Accepted for publication in 2023 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Astakhova, M., N., Ho, V. T., & McKay, A. (2023). Passion amid the pandemic: Applying a person-centered approach to examine cross-domain multi-passion profiles during a crisis. Journal of Management Studies. Advance online publication. http://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12929
Astakhova, M. N., & Ho, V. T. (2022). Passionate leaders behaving badly: Why do leaders become obsessively passionate and engage in abusive supervision? Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 28(1), 40–51.
Astakhova, M. N., Cardon, M., Ho, V. T., & Kong, D. T. (2022). Work passion: Taming breadth and promoting depth. Special Issue Editorial, Journal of Organizational Behavior (guest editor).
Ho, V. T., & Astakhova, M. N. (2020). The passion bug: How and when do leaders inspire work passion? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41, 424-444.
Knapp, D. E., DuBois, C. L. Z., Hogue, M., Astakhova, M. N., & Faley, R. H. (2019). Russian workers’ experiences with and perceptions of sexual harassment severity, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30, 2049-2076.
(*equal authorship) Astakhova, M. N.*, & Ho, V. T.* (2018). Chameleonic obsessive job passion: demystifying the relationships between obsessive job passion and in-role and extra-role performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-13.
(*equal authorship) Ho, V. T.*, & Astakhova, M. N.* (2018). Disentangling passion and engagement: An examination of how and when passionate employees become engaged ones. Human Relations, 71, 973-1000.
Beal, B., & Astakhova, M. (2017). Management and income inequality: A review and conceptual framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 142, 1-23.
Astakhova, M. N. (2016). Explaining the effects of perceived person-supervisor fit and person-organization fit on organizational commitment in the U.S. and Japan. Journal of Business Research, 69, 956-963.
Astakhova, M. N. (2015). The curvilinear relationship between work passion and organizational citizenship behavior: The moderating effect of collectivistic values. Journal of Business Ethics, 130, 361-374.
Astakhova, M. N., & Porter, G. (2015). Understanding the work passion‒performance relationship: The mediating role of organizational identification and moderating role of fit at work. Human Relations, 68, 1315-1346.
Burke R. J., Astakhova, M. N., & Hang, H. (2015). Work passion through the lens of culture: Harmonious work passion, obsessive work passion and work outcomes in Russia and China. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30, 457-471.