KimMarie McGoldrick
KimMarie McGoldrick is a Professor of Economics. Her focus in economic education has led to the (co-) development of several workshops including Service Learning in Economics, and she served as a lead instructor in the NSF-funded Teaching Innovations Program (TIP) and is currently the co-organizer and facilitator for the AEA-CEE workshop EDUCATE. Her pedagogical research has led to a number of publications documenting the efficacy of pedagogical practices within the discipline (such as cooperative learning) and describing the use of nontraditional teaching techniques (such as service-learning). She also has research interests in questions of persistence in economics, especially for female and URM students. KimMarie has over 50 articles, 19 book chapters, and four edited volumes in the field of economic education. She co-edited The International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics (Elgar Press, 2012), a volume assembling a group of (over 100) economic educators to offer advice (in over 75 chapters) on best practices in terms of teaching, pedagogic research, and specific course content. She served as the Chair of the American Economic Association's Committee on Economic Education for six years and is currently Co-Editor of the Journal of Economic Education.
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Grants and Fellowships
Teagle Foundation, $25000. May 2015- January 2016. Graduate Student Training in the Teaching of Economics. Awarded to the American Economic Association, Co-PI with Sam Allgood and Gail Hoyt.
NSF Award DUE #0817382, $497,953. September 2008-August 2012. Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics | A Source for Pedagogical Resources. Co-PI with Mark Maier, Cathy Manduca, and Scott Simkins.
Teagle Foundation, $15,000. September 2009- January 2011. The Big Think Initiative Awarded to the American Economic Association, Committee on Economic Education, Co-PI with Robert Garnett.
Teagle Foundation, $74,500. January 2007- September 2008. The Purpose and Practice of Economic Education as Related to Liberal Education Goals Awarded to the American Economic Association, Committee on Economic Education, Co-PI with David Colander.
NSF Award # SBE-0317755, $350,000. August 2003- July 2007. ADVANCE Leadership Award: CeMENT: Workshops for Female Untenured Faculty in Economics. Awarded to the AEA, Co-PI with Francine D. Blau, Rachel T. Croson, Janet Currie, John J. Siegfried.
Atlantic Philanthropic Service Company, $25000. 2000. Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Economics. Co-PI with Andrea Ziegert.
H. Hiter Harris Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges, 2010
Kenneth G. Elzinga Distinguished Teaching Award, Southern Economic Association, 2009
Henry H. Villard Research Award in Economic Education, National Association of Economic Educators, 2009
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award recipient, 2008
University of Richmond Distinguished Educator Award, 2006
Robins School of Business Outstanding Service Award, 2005
Robins School of Business Outstanding Scholarly Activity Award, 1997
Robins School of Business Outstanding Teacher Award, 1996
Presentations at Conferences Emerson, Tisha and KimMarie McGoldrick. Economics Magnetism: Attracting and Repelling Majors. ASSA meetings, January 2018; CTREE meetings, May 2018.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. Integrating Cooperative Learning Exercises into the Classroom. St Louis Fed Professors Conference. November 2017.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. Panel Discussion: The Role of Academic Journals and Blogs in Increasing Economic Literacy. St Louis Fed Professors Conference. November 2017.
McGoldrick, KimMarie and Gail Hoyt. Preparing Students to ?Do Economics? after Graduation. ASSA meetings, January 2017.
Emerson, Tisha and KimMarie McGoldrick. An Investigation of the Characteristics of (Un)Successful Students in Microeconomic Principles. Presented at the SEA meetings, November 2016; CTREE May 2017; DEE September 2017.
Allgood, Sam, Gail Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick. Exploring Potential Enhancements to Graduate Student Teacher Training. SEA meetings, November 2016.
Allgood, Sam, Gail Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick. Graduate Student Teacher Training in U.S. PhD Programs: Results of a Study of Directors of Graduate Studies, Department Chairs, and Newly Minted PhD Economists. CTREE, June 2016.
Allgood, Sam, Gail Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick. The State of Graduate Teaching Training in the US: Perspectives of Consumers and Producers. Presented at the SEA meetings, November 2015; ASSA meetings, January 2016.
McGoldrick, KimMarie and Peter Schuhmann. The Impact of Challenge Quizzes on Student Knowledge. Presented at the National Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education, May 2015; International Business Education Conference sponsored by the Clute Institute, June 2015; SEA meetings, November 2015; ASSA meetings, January 2016.
Carter, Linda, Tisha Emerson, and KimMarie McGoldrick. Analyzing the Efficacy of Cooperative Learning Across Personality Types. Presented at the Southern Economic Association meetings, November 2014.
Carter, Linda, Tisha Emerson, and KimMarie McGoldrick. Cooperative Learning: Can it Off-set Some of the Costs of Large Enrollment Classes? International Business Education Conference sponsored by the Clute Institute, June 2014. Best Paper award.
Carter, Linda, Tisha Emerson, and KimMarie McGoldrick. Evaluating the Cooperative Component in Cooperative Learning: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Presented at the fourth annual National Conference on Teaching Economics, May 2014
Carter, Linda, Tisha Emerson, and KimMarie McGoldrick. Cooperative Learning: Can it Off-set Some of the Costs of Large Enrollment Classes? Presented at the third annual National Conference on Teaching Economics, May 2013; Southern Economic Association meetings, November 2013; ASSA meetings, January 2014.
Emerson, Tisha, KimMarie McGoldrick, John Siegfried. Gender and Undergraduate Major Trends: 1990-2011. To be presented at the SEA meetings, November 2012; ASSA meetings, January 2013; Society of Economic Educators, March 2014.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. Editors’ Perspective: Publishing in Economic Education- Panel Discussion at the third annual National Conference on Teaching Economics, May 2013.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. Past, Present, and Future: Motivating a New Economic Education Research Agenda. Presented at the second annual National Conference on Teaching Economics, May 2012.
Carter, Linda, Tisha Emerson, and KimMarie McGoldrick. Cooperative Learning and Outcomes in Economics Principles: Evidence from Two Institutions. Presented at the second annual National Conference on Teaching Economics, May 2012.
McGoldrick, K., Hampden-Sydney, invited speaker, "Cooperative Learning: Key Elements and Methods," Hampden-Sydney, VA. (April 23, 2012).
McGoldrick, K., Rollins college, invited speaker, "Cooperative Learing Exercises for an Engaging Classroom," Rollins, FL. (April 9, 2012).
McGoldrick, K., Garnett, R., American Economic Assoc, "Big Think: A Model for Critical Inquiry in Economics Courses," Chicago, IL. (January 2012).
McGoldrick, K., Emerson, T., Mumford, K., American Economic Assoc, "Why Don’t Women Pursue a Major in Economics?," Chicago, IL. (January 2012).
McGoldrick, K., Emerson, T., Mumford, K., Southern Economic Assoc, "Why Don’t Women Pursue a Major in Economics?," Washington, DC. (November 2011).
McGoldrick, K., UNCW Annual Teaching Conference, "Experience Matters: Exploring the Teaching-Research Nexus," Wilmington, NC. (October 2011).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Schuhmann, P. (Author Only), Developments in Economic Education, "Challenge Quizzes: The Impact of a Unique Assessment Tool on Student Performance," London, UK. (September 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Australasian Teaching Economics Conference, "Experience Matters: Exploring the Teaching-Research Nexus," Sydney, AU. (June 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Western Economic Association, International, "Starting Point: Pedagogical Resources for Teaching and Learning Economics," Brisbane, AU. (April 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Peterson, B., Baylor University, "Enhancing Student Learning using Rubrics," Waco, TX. (March 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Robert Morris Teaching Conf, "Starting Point: Pedagogical Resources for Teaching and Learning Economics," Pittsburg, PA. (February 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Peterson, B., ASSA meetings, "Assessing Student Learning with Rubrics," Denver, CO. (January 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Garnett, R., ASSA meetings, "Big Think: A Model for Critical Inquiry in Economics Courses," Denver, CO. (January 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Maier, M., Simkins, S., ASSA meetings, "Starting Point: Pedagogical Resources for Teaching and Learning Economics," Denver, CO. (January 2011).
McGoldrick, K., Peterson, B., SEA meetings, "Assessing Student Learning with Rubrics." (November 2010).
McGoldrick, K., 6th Annual Economics Teaching Conference, "Experience Matters: Engaged Learning in the Principles Classroom," Gulf Coast Economics Assoc, Memphis, TN. (October 2010).
McGoldrick, K., Western Economic Association, "Cooperative Learning in Economics," Portland, OR. (July 2010).
McGoldrick, K., Western Economic Association, "Starting Point: Pedagogical Resources for Teaching and Learning Economics," Portland, OR. (July 2010).
McGoldrick, K., Simkins, S., Maier, M., Midwest Econ Assoc Meetings, "Starting Point- Teaching and Learning Economics," Chicago. (March 2010).
McGoldrick, K., Baylor University, "Using Cooperative Learning to Enhance Teaching Efficiency and Effectiveness," TX. (February 2010).
McGoldrick, K., Calhoun, J. (Presenter & Author), Creative Teaching Ideas for your Basic Economics Course, 6th annual workshop, "Starting Point- Economics Pedagogic Portal, a new online facility for economics teaching ideas and examples," Gus A. Stavros Centers for Economic Education of Florida State University and the University of South Florida, FL. (February 4, 2010).
McGoldrick, K., ASSA Meetings, "Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Economics," AEA, Atlanta. (January 2010).
McGoldrick, K., ASSA meetings, "Starting Point- Teaching and Learning Economics," AEA, Atlanta. (January 2010).
McGoldrick, K. (Discussant), Southern Economic Association. (2009).
McGoldrick, K., Randolph College, "Exploring Experiential Learning," Randolph College. (November 2009).
McGoldrick, K., SEA, "Strating Point Economics: Cooperative Learning," SEA, San Antonio, TX. (November 2009).
McGoldrick, K., Simkins, S., M. M., SEA meetings, "Starting Point- Teaching and Learning Economics," SEA, San Antonio, TX. (November 2009).
McGoldrick, K., Simkins, S., Maier, M., Decisions in Economic Education, "Starting Point- Teaching and Learning Economics," UK Higher Education Academy, Cardiff, Wales. (September 2009).
McGoldrick, K., Women in the Know Conference, "Economic Crisis and its Impact on Women," University of Richmond. (May 2009).
McGoldrick, K., International Symposium on Economic Education, Participated in panel discussion on common themes and differences in four country reports and in comparison to US economic education.. (January 2009).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Colander, D. (Author Only), American Economic Association Meetings, "The Economics Major and a Liberal Education," AEA, San Francisco, CA. (January 6, 2009).
McGoldrick, K., American Economic Association Meetings, "What Makes a Great Economics Teacher?," AEA, San Francisco, CA. (January 5, 2009).
McGoldrick, K., Southern Economic Association Meetings, "The Importance of Learning Objectives in Choosing Pedagogical Practices," SEA, Washington, DC. (November 2008).
McGoldrick, K., Bowling Green State University 14th Annual Teaching Conference, "Service-Learning Experiences that Enhance Student Skills: An Economists Approach." (March 2008).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Colander, D. (Author Only), Society of Economic Educators, "Economics and Liberal Education." (March 2008).
McGoldrick, K., Greenlaw, S., ASSA, "Practicing What We Preach: Undergraduate Research Experiences in Economics," New Orleans. (January 2008).
McGoldrick, K. (Discussant), American Economic Association meetings. (2007).
McGoldrick, K., Colander, D., Southern Economic Association Meetings, "Economics and Liberal Education: Recommendations for Classroom Practices," New Orleans. (November 2007).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), ICAPE, "Pluralism and Economic Education, Promoting Change: Past, Present, and Future," ICAPE. (June 2007).
McGoldrick, K., Virginia Economic Association Meetings, "The Learner-Centered Model of Teaching," Richmond, VA. (March 2007).
McGoldrick, K., Society of Economic Educators, "The Learner-Centered Model of Teaching," Tucson, AZ. (February 2007).
McGoldrick, K., ASSA, "Grounding Cooperative Learning Exercise in Learning Objectives: A Learner-Centered Model of Teaching," AEA, Chicago. (January 2007).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Greenlaw, S. (Presenter & Author), SEA, "Best Practices in the Supervision of Undergraduate Research," SEA. (November 2006).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Hoyt, G. (Presenter & Author), SEA, "Graduate Student Preparation: A Reality Check," SEA, Charleston, SC. (November 2006).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), ASSA, "The Senior Experience for Economics Majors: Results from a Survey of Departmental Practices," AEA. (January 2006).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), SEA, "The Senior Experience for Economics Majors: Results from a Survey of Departmental Practices," SEA. (November 2005).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), ASSA, "Developing a Capstone Course for the Economics Major: Payoffs and Pitfalls," AEA. (January 2005).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Ziegert, A. (Presenter & Author), SEA, "The Economics of Civic Engagement: The Engaged Campus as a Model of Lifelong Learning," SEA. (November 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), SEA, "The Professors Role in the Senior Experience: Dictator, Guide on the Side, or Collaborator," SEA. (November 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Ziegert, A. (Presenter & Author), International Conference on Advances in Service-Learning Research, "Faculty Roles, Service-Learning, Literacy and Civic Engagement." (October 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Ziegert, A. (Presenter & Author), University of Kentucky Teaching Conference, "Service Learning and Economics: Using Learning Theory to Motivate Pedagogical Approaches." (April 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), SUNY Oswego, "Service Learning, Civic Engagement and the University," SUNY Oswego. (March 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Virginia Association of Economists meeting, "Using the Theory of Service Learning as a Tool for Teaching Economic Theory," VAE. (March 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Hoyt, G. (Presenter & Author), Eastern Economic Association meetings, "Gender Differences in Media Exposure, Economic Knowledge, and Attitudes About Economics.," EEA. (February 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Burrus, R. (Presenter & Author), Schuhmann, P. (Presenter & Author), EEA, "Student Quantitative Literacy: Importance, Measurement, and Correlation with Economic Literacy," EEA. (February 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Robert Morris University and McGraw-Hill Irwin: Teaching Economics: Instruction and Classroom Based Resea, "Using the Theory of Service Learning as a Tool for Teaching Economic Theory." (February 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Schuhmann, P. (Presenter & Author), ASSA, "Student Quantitative Literacy: Importance, Measurement, and Correlation with Economic Literacy," AEA. (January 2004).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Ziegert, A. (Presenter & Author), International Conference on Advances in Service-Learning Research, "Developing a Research Plan for Assessing Outcomes in Service Learning Activities: An Armchair Economists Approach." (November 2003).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Hoyt, G., SEA, "Everything I Ever Need to Know About Economics I Got From the Headlines: Media Influences on Economic Literacy," SEA. (November 2003).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Middlebury College, "Service, Engagement and Learning: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going," Middlebury College. (September 2003).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Hoyt, G. (Author Only), IAFFE, "Everything I Ever Need to Know About Economics I Got From the Headlines: Media Influences on Economic Literacy," IAFFE. (June 2003).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Monks, J. (Author Only), SEA, "Gender Earnings Differentials Among Highly Paid College and University Administrators," SEA. (November 2002).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), IAFFE, "Teaching by Objectives: An Example Using the Scientific Method," IAFFE. (June 2002).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Ziegert, A. (Presenter & Author), ASSA, "Service Learning and Economics: Developing Projects that Encourage Students to "Do" Economics," AEA. (January 2002).
McGoldrick, K. (Presenter & Author), Second Annual Economics and the Classroom Conference,, "Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models of Service Learning in Economics," Idaho State University. (March 2000).
McGoldrick, K. (Discussant), Eastern Economic Association Meetings. (1997). -
Journal of Economic Education (Co-Editor, since 2018; Associate Editor, 2011-2017)
Southern Economic Journal (Co-Editor, 2014-2017; Associate Editor, 2012-2014)
Journal of Financial and Economic Education (Editorial Board)
Economics Educator: Courses, Cases & Teaching Abstracts (Advisory Board, since 2010)
College Teaching, (Consulting Editor, 2011-2017)
American Economist (Associate Editor, 2006 - 2012)
Professional Experience
Previous Positions Include:
Robins Teaching Fellow, University of Richmond, July 2016 to present
Joseph A. Jennings Chair in Business, University of Richmond, August 2010 to July 2016
Professor, University of Richmond, August 2007 to present
Christian A. Johnson Visiting Scholar, Middlebury College, August 2006 through December 2006
Associate Professor, University of Richmond, August 1998 to August 2007
Assistant Professor, University of Richmond, August 1992 to August 1998
Institutional Service
Robins School of Business, Full Professor Committee, since Fall 2008
Robins School of Business, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Fall 2008- Spring 2013 (Chair 2009-2012); Fall 2014-current (Chair 2014- 2015 and 2016-2017)
University of Richmond, Teaching and Scholarship Initiative Committee, Fall 2018-Spring 2019
SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award review committee, University of Richmond Representative, Fall 2014- 2017
Center for Civic Engagement Development Committee, Fall 2003 through Spring 2004
Center for Civic Engagement Steering Committee, Fall 2004 through Spring 2012
Common Ground Curriculum/Co-Curriculum Committee, Fall 2003 through Spring 2004
Community Board for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Fall 2008 through Spring 2010
Diversity Committee, Fall 1997 through Spring 1998
Economics Society Advisor, Fall 1994 through Spring 1996
Gender Education Working Group, Fall 2002 through Spring 2003
Habitat for Humanity Planning Committee, Fall 2003
Presidents College Associate, Fall 2001 through Spring 2002
Program for Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness, Fall 1994 through Spring 1997
Robins School of Business, Curriculum Task Force, Spring 2016 through Fall 2016
Robins School of Business Dean Search Committee, Spring 1999
Robins School of Business Department of Economics, Undergraduate Women in Economics Committee, Spring 2015-current
Robins School of Business Evaluation Committee, Fall 1995 through Spring 1999
Robins School of Business Research Committee, Fall 2000 through Spring 2006, Chair Fall 2001 through Spring 2002
Robins School of Business Student Affairs Committee, Fall 1992 through Spring 1996
Robins School of Business, Summer Pedagogy Policy Task Force, Fall 2011- Spring 2013
Robins School of Business Teaching Committee, Fall 2001 through Spring 2003
Robins School of Business Undergraduate Program Task Force Committee, Fall 1994 through Spring 1995
Safe Zone Advisory Board, Since Fall 2004
Service Learning Advisory Board, Fall 1998 through Fall 2001
Society of Women in Business and Economics, Advisor, Fall 1994 through Spring 1998
University of Richmond Ad Hoc Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Committee, Member, October 2016 - April 2017
University of Richmond, Collaborative Research Grants Committee, Fall 2001 through Spring 2002
University of Richmond, Faculty Enrichment Council, Spring 2011 – Spring 2015
University of Richmond, SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award Nomination Committee, Fall 2008- Spring 2013
University of Richmond, Strategic Planning - Academic Excellent Strategic Working Group, Summer 2016 through Fall 2016
University of Richmond Presidential Search Committee, Fall 2014-Spring 2015
University of Richmond, University Faculty Council, Fall 1996 through Spring 1999; Fall 2008 through Spring 2012
University of Richmond, University Faculty Council, Inquiry Board, Fall 2009 through Spring 2010
University of Richmond, University Faculty Council-Provost Advisory Comm, Fall 1997 - Spring 1999; Fall 2010-Spring 2012
University of Richmond University Faculty Council- University of Richmond Study on Faculty Salaries, Fall 2008 – Spring 2009
University of Richmond, Westhampton College, Dean Search Committee, Fall 2000 through Spring 2001
University of Richmond, Westhampton College Student Affairs Committee, Fall 1994 - Spring 1997; Fall 2002 - Spring 2003
University of Richmond, Women in Living and Learning Advisory Board, Fall 1992 through Fall 2004
University of Richmond, Women in Living and Learning Assessment Committee, Fall 1994 through Spring 1996
University of Richmond, Women in Living and Learning Assistant Director Search Committee, Spring 1998 and Spring 1999
University of Richmond, Women in the Know conference committee, Fall 2001 through Spring 2003
University of Richmond, Women’s Studies Advisory Board, Fall 1997 through Fall 2004
Grants and Fellowships
Selected Publications
Hoyt, Gail and KimMarie McGoldrick, Eds. 2012. The International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Press.
Colander, David and KimMarie McGoldrick. Eds. 2009. Educating Economists: The Teagle Discussion on Reevaluating the Undergraduate Economics Major. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Press.
McGoldrick, KimMarie and Andrea Ziegert, Eds. 2002. Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models of Service Learning in Economics. The University of Michigan Press.
Aerni, April and KimMarie McGoldrick, Eds. 1999. Valuing Us All: Feminist Pedagogy and Economics. The University of Michigan Press.
Journal ArticlesAllgood, Sam and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2021. Using Readings Beyond the Textbook: A Survey. Journal of Economic Education, 52(3): 269-273.
Allgood, Sam and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2021. How can economists use the cognitive challenges framework to enhance economic education? Journal of Economic Education, 52(1): 41-52.
Maier, M. and T. Thornton. 2020. Roundtable on economics education in community colleges. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 11(1): 30-54.
McGoldrick participated as one of 4 contributors to this roundtable discussion, comments of which are documented in the article.
Emerson, Tisha and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2019. Switching Majors- Into and Out of Economics. Journal of Economic Education, 50(3): 321-332.
Hoyt, Gail and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2019. 50 Years of Economic Instruction in the Journal of Economic Education. Journal of Economic Education, 50(1): 168-195.
Allgood, Sam and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2019. Setting an Agenda for the Future. Journal of Economic Education, 50(1): 207-212.
Allgood, Sam, Gail Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2018. Teacher training for PhD students and new faculty in economics. Journal of Economic Education, 49(2): 209-219.
English, Linda, Tisha Emerson, and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2018. The High Costs of Large Enrollment Classes: Can Cooperative Learning Help? Eastern Economic Journal, 44(3):455-474.
Allgood, Sam, Gail Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2018. The Role of Teaching and Teacher Training in the Hiring and Promotion of Ph.D. Economists. Southern Economic Journal, 84(3): 912-927.
Emerson, Tisha, KimMarie McGoldrick, John Siegfried. 2018. The Gender Gap in Economics Degrees: An Investigation of the Role Model and Quantitative Requirement Hypotheses. Southern Economic Journal, 84(3): 898-911.
McGoldrick, KimMarie and Gail Hoyt. 2017. Promoting Undergraduate Research in Economics. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 107(5): 655-59.
McGoldrick, KimMarie and Peter Schuhmann. 2016. The Impact of Challenge Quizzes on Student Knowledge. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 106(5): 373-377. Reprinted in Grimes, Paul, ed, 2019. Teaching College Economics Aldershot: Edward Elgar Press.
English, Linda, Tisha Emerson, and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2016. Cooperative Learning and Personality Types. International Review of Economic Education, 21: 21-29.
English, Linda, Tisha Emerson and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2015. Evaluating the Cooperative Component in Cooperative Learning: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Education, 46(1): 1-13. Reprinted in Grimes, Paul, ed, 2019. Teaching College Economics Aldershot: Edward Elgar Press.
Garnett, Robert and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2014. A "Big Think" Approach to Government Debt: Promoting Significant Learning in Introductory Macroeconomics. Review of Political Economy, 26(4): 628-47.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. 2014. A Guide for Submissions to the Journal of Economic Education Instruction Section. Journal of Economic Education, 45(2): 166-173.
McGoldrick, KimMarie and Robert Garnett. 2013 Big Think: A Model for Critical Inquiry in Economics Courses. Journal of Economic Education, 44(4):1-10.
McGoldrick, KimMarie, Tisha Emerson, Kevin Mumford. 2012. Women and the Choice to Study Economics. Journal of Economic Education, 43(4): 349-362.
Additional PublicationsSchuhmann, Peter and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2014. Motivating Student Learning and Preparation through Mastery-Based Incentives. Best Practices in University Teaching, second edition: 57-64.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. 2012 Using Cooperative Learning in Economics. In Hoyt, Gail and KimMarie McGoldrick, Eds. The International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Press: 57-67.
McGoldrick, KimMarie and Andrea Ziegert. 2012 Let Experience be the Guide: Experiential Education in Economics. Hoyt, Gail and KimMarie McGoldrick, Eds.. The International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Press: 79-89.
Maier, Mark, KimMarie McGoldrick and Scott Simkins. 2012. Is there a Signature Pedagogy in Economics? In Chick, N., A. Haynie, and R. Gurung (eds) Exploring More Signature Pedagogies. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing: 97-111.
Maier, Mark, KimMarie McGoldrick and Scott Simkins. 2011. Cooperative Learning and Discipline-Based Pedagogical Innovations: Taking Advantage of Complementarities. In James Cooper and Pamela Robinson. Eds. Small group learning in higher education: Research and practice. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press: 139-149.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. 2010. Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Economics. In Michael K. Salemi and William B. Walstad, Eds. Teaching Innovations in Economics: Strategies and Applications for Interactive Instruction, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: 25-45.
McGoldrick, KimMarie, Robert Rebelein, Jennifer Rhoads, and Sue Stockly. 2010. Making Cooperative Learning Effective for Economics. In Michael K. Salemi and William B. Walstad, Eds. Teaching Innovations in Economics: Strategies and Applications for Interactive Instruction, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: 46-64.
Maier, Mark, KimMarie McGoldrick and Scott Simkins. 2010. Implementing Cooperative Learning in Introductory Economics Courses. In Millis, B. (ed) Cooperative Learning in Higher Education, Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy, Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing: 157-180.
Colander, David and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2009. The Teagle Foundation Report: the Economics Major as Part of a Liberal Education. In Colander and McGoldrick. Eds. Educating Economists: The Teagle Discussion on Reevaluating the Undergraduate Economics Major. Aldershot: Edward Elgar Press: 3-42
Bollinger, Chris, Gail Hoyt, and KimMarie McGoldrick. 2009. Chicks Don't Dig It: Gender, Attitudes and Performance in Principles of Economics Courses. In Frank Mixon and Richard Cebula, editors. Expanding Teaching and Learning Horizons in Economic Education. Nova Science Publishers: 43-65
McGoldrick, KimMarie. 2009. Promoting a Pluralist Agenda in Undergraduate Economic Education. In Economic Pluralism, Robert Garnett, Erik Olsen, and Martha Starr, eds., Routledge: 221-235.
McGoldrick, KimMarie. 2007. Undergraduate Research in Economics. Handbook for Economics Lecturers, http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/handbook/ugresearch/
McGoldrick, KimMarie. 2002. Using the Theory of Service Learning as a Tool for Teaching Economic Theory. in McGoldrick, KimMarie and Andrea Ziegert, eds. Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models of Service Learning in Economics. The University of Michigan Press: 11-26.