Joseph Farizo
Joe Farizo is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond. He received a Ph.D. from the Gatton College of Business at the University of Kentucky. He leads courses in investments and conducts research in the areas of corporate governance and financial advisors.Expand All
2023 Robins School of Business Scholarly Activity Award
2023 Robins School of Business Teaching Award
2022 Robins School of Business Faculty of the Year
Where is the Intersection of Madison Avenue and Wall Street? Advertisement, Local Access to Investment Advice, and Stock Market Participation
Midwest Finance Association (2023)
University of Richmond (2022)
Financial Management Association (2022)
Boulder Summer Conference on Consumer Financial Decision Making Poster Session (2022)
FINRA and NORC's Joint Access and Impact Conference: Gauging the Participation of Diverse Communities in Capital Markets (2021)
CFP Board's Academic Research Colloquium Poster Session (2021)
University of Kentucky (2021)(Black)Rock the Vote: Index Funds and Opposition to Management
Eastern Finance Association (2019)
Financial Management Association (2019)
Financial Management Association Doctoral Student Consortium (2019)
University of Kentucky (2019)
University of South Carolina (2019)
The College of New Jersey (2019)
Towson University (2019)
Salisbury University (2019)
University of Richmond (2019)
The Citadel (2019)
SEC DERA PhD Student Symposium (2018) -
Professional Experience
Postlethwaite & Netterville, APAC (2014)
TWFG Insurance Services (2010-2014)
Institutional Service
Delta Sigma Pi Faculty Advisor
Student Managed Investment Fund Faculty Advisor
Scholars of Finance Faculty Advisor
Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Corporate Finance
Ad hoc reviewer: Corporate Governance: An International Review
Selected Publications
Journal Articles(2023) The Low-Risk Effect in Equities: Evidence from Industry Data in an Earlier Time, Financial Analysts Journal, 79:2, 98-119, DOI: 10.1080/0015198X.2022.2158709
Farizo, Joseph D. "(Black)Rock the vote: Index funds and opposition to management." Journal of Corporate Finance (2022): 102247.
Dimmock, S., Farizo, J., and Gerken, W., (2020). "Misconduct and Fraud by Investment Managers". In C. Alexander and D. Cumming (Eds.), Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets: Malpractice, Misconduct, and Manipulation. John Wiley & Sons.
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