Darrell Walden
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2021 Dean’s Service Award, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. Awarded in appreciation for 13 years of service as Chair, Department of Accounting.
2007 Alumnus of the Year, Virginia Commonwealth University, Awarded by the VCU African American Alumni Council for his Black History in the Making efforts.
2003 Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology, Univeristy of Richmond, Recognizes a member of the faculty who shows excellence in teaching with technology.
2000 Eighth Annual Faculty Story Awards Winner, The Bonners Scholars of University of Richmond, Recognizes members of the faculty who model community-building relations and world-changing service -
Krumwiede Kip, Walden Darrell W., Dream Chocolate Company: A Product Costing Case, AAA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Walden Darrell W., Professional Responsibility Begins with Personal Responsibility, National Association of Black Accountants, Richmond, VA
Walden Darrell W., Williams Satina, Schwartz Bill, From Doctoral Student to Faculty Member: Insights from PhD Project Alumni, AAA Mid-Atlantic Region Meeting, Long Branch, NJ
Walden Darrell W., Blogs, UR Teaching and Learning Symposium, Richmond, VA
Walden Darrell W., Whispers from the Dust: the Freedmen Records and African American Family History, KPMG Diversity Training, University of Richmond
Walden Darrell W., Whispers from the Dust: the Freedmen Records and African American Family History, KPMG Diversity Training, Washington, DC
Walden Darrell W., Perceptions of Entering PhD Project Doctoral Students, International Meeting, Washington, DC
Walden Darrell W., Career Mobility, PhD Project Accounting Doctoral Students Association, Washington, DC
Walden Darrell W., Perceptions of Entering Minority Doctoral Students in Accounting, International Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Walden Darrell W., Perceptions of Entering African American and Hispanic Doctoral Students in Business, International Meeting, New York, NY -
American Accounting Association
Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants
Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
Professional Experience
Previous positions include:
Associate Professor, University of Richmond (March 2001 – Present)
Certified Public Accountant and Consultant, W. Darrell Walden, Ph.D. CPA (July 1985 - Present)
Chair, Department of Accounting, Robins School of Business (May 2008 – May 2021)
Assistant Professor, University of Richmond (August 1995 - March 2001)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University (August 2000 - December 2000)
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Richmond (August 1994 - July 1995)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University (August 1993 - July 1994)
Assistant Professor, Virginia Union University (August 1983 - July 1993)Chief Financial Officer and Director, Richmond Financial Corporation (1988 - 1989)
Tax Supervisor, Best Products Co., Inc. (1983 - 1985)
Senior Income Tax Accountant, Reynolds Metals Company (1977 - 1983)
Cost Accountant, Reynolds Metals Company (1973 - 1977) -
Institutional Service
Academic Council. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Assessment Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Member, Academic Council. (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Committee Member, Assessment Committee. (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
W. Darrell Walden, G.H. Pak, K. Krumwiede, Can Management Accounting Help Aid Associations Make Tough Choices in Haiti?, Issues in Accounting Education, 33 (1), January 2018, 17-28
W. Darrell Walden, Bill Schwartz, Towards Achieving Diversity in Business Schools: Ph.D. Project Alumni, Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 44 (1), Spring 2014, 21-39
W. Darrell Walden, Kip Krumwiede, Dream Chocolate Company: Choosing a Costing System, Issues in Accounting Education, 28 (3), August 2013, 637-652
W. Darrell Walden, Bill Schwartz, From Doctoral Student to Faculty Member: PhD Project Alumni’s Evaluation of Their Preparedness, Journal of Diversity Management, 7 (1), Spring 2012, 35-45
W. Darrell Walden, Daniel Selby, Will It Be a Tough Year? 2011 VSCPA Economic Survey Shows CPAs Have Increased Pessimism About the Economy, Disclosures, March/April 2012, 25(2), 12-15
W. Darrell Walden, Bill N Schwartz, The PhD Project: How Successful Is It?, American Journal of Business Education, 2011, 11-18
W. Darrell Walden, A. J. Stagliano, An Assessment of the Quality of Environmental Disclosure Themes, Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, 2004, 137-165
W. Darrell Walden, Bll N. Schwartz, Publishing: How Faculty Can Improve Their Performance, The Accounting Educator's Journal, 2000,1-12
W. Darrell Walden, Robert H. Sanborn, Bill N. Schwartz, The Study Time Gap: Students' and Instructors' Estimation of Required Study Time, Advances in Accounting Education, 2000, 87-111
W. Darrell Walden, Marshall B. Romney, Creating a Website with FrontPage 98, New Accountant, 1999, 26-30
W. Darrell Walden, Paul M. Clikeman, Designing an Accounting Firm Website, The CPA Journal, 1998, 24-28
W. Darrell Walden, Paul M. Clikeman, Accounting Firm Websites: What Are the Benefits?, National Public Accountant, 1998, 24-26
W. Darrell Walden, Bill N. Schwartz, Environmental Disclosures and Public Policy Pressure, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 1997,125-154
Additional PublicationsW. Darrell Walden, Kip Krumwiede, Dream Chocolate Company: A Product Costing Case, AAA Annual Meeting, 2010
W. Darrell Walden, From DOctoral Student to Faculty Member: Insights from PhD Project Alumni, AAA Mid-Atlantic Region Meeting, 2009
W. Darrell Walden, Bill N. Schwartz, Perceptions of Entering PhD Project Doctoral Students, American Accounting Association, 2006
W. Darrell Walden, Bill N. Schwartz, Perceptions of Entering Minority Doctoral Students in Accounting, American Accounting Association, 2005
W. Darrell Walden, Bill N. Schwartz, Perceptions of Entering African American and Hispanic Doctoral Students in Business, Critical Perspectives in Accounting, 2005
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