Andrea Waddle
Andrea Waddle is an international macroeconomist whose research focuses on the impact of trade and financial policies on factor markets. Her research has appeared in the Journal of Monetary Economics, the International Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, the Journal of International Money and Finance, and Journal of Macroeconomics. She is passionate about teaching Macroeconomics at all levels, especially at the introductory level to first year students. She also enjoys teaching special topics classes, including one on inequality. She has been at the University of Richmond since 2014.
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Professional Experience
Research Analyst, Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (August 2011-September 2013)
Research assistant for Ellen R. McGrattan.Economic Analyst, Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (August 2008-July 2009)
Professional Experience
Journal Articles
Waddle, A. (2021): "Trade, Technological Change, and Wage Inequality: The Case of Mexico," International Economic Review, 62(1), 243-276.
Rabe, C. and A. Waddle (2020): "Evolution of Purchasing Power Parity," Journal of International Money and Finance, 109(C).
Mandelman, F.S. and A. Waddle (2020): "Intellectual Property, Tariffs, and International Trade Dynamics," Journal of Monetary Economics, 109, 86-103.
McGrattan, E. and A. Waddle (2020): "Impact of Brexit on Foreign Investment and Production," American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 12 (1), 76-103.
Waddle, A. (2019): "Globalization and Jobless Recoveries," Journal of Macroeconomics, 62(C).
Additional PublicationsJanicki, N. Moin, A. Waddle, and A. Wolman (2007): "Currency Quality and Changes in the Behavior of Depository Institutions," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 93(1), 361-391.
Athreya, K. and A. Waddle (2007): "Implications of Some Alternatives to Capital Income Taxation," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 94(1), 31-55.
Duarte, M., D. Restuccia, and A. Waddle (2007): "Exchange Rates and Business Cycles across Countries," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 93(1), 57-76.
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