Andrew Alwood
Journal Articles"Epicurus and the Buddha on Desire" Comparative Philosophy Volume 16, No. 1 (2025): 1-24
“Alienation, Resonance, and Experience in Theories of Well-Being” Philosophia 2023, 51, 2225–2240
“The Value of Heterogeneous Pleasures” The Journal of Happiness Studies 2018, 19 (8): 2303-2314
“Epicurean Hedonism as Qualitative Hedonism” The Journal of Value Inquiry 2018, 52 (4): 411-427
“Cognitive Moral Thoughts Expressed in Prescriptive Language” Ethical Perspectives 2017, 24 (4): 595-623
“How Pleasures Make Life Better” Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 2017, 31 (1): 1-24
“Non-Descriptive Negation for Normative Sentences” The Philosophical Quarterly 2016, 66 (262): 1-24
“Should Expressivism be a Theory at the Level of Metasemantics?” Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2016, 5 (1): 13-22
“Imperative Clauses and the Frege-Geach Problem” Analysis Reviews 2010, 70 (1): 105-117 (part of a Book Symposium on Mark Schroeder’s Being For)
Book Reviews
Impassioned Belief by Michael Ridge, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2014
Oxford Studies in Metaethics vol 6 edited by Russ Shafer-Landau, Journal of Moral Philosophy 2014, 11: 353-371
When Truth Gives Out by Mark Richard, Ethics July 2009, 119 (4): 805-813, co-authored with Mark Schroeder