Thomas Mattson
Tom Mattson earned his Ph.D. in International Management from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His research focuses on behavioral information security, social interactions in electronic networks of practice, virtual communities of practice and other electronic social structures. He teaches (or has taught) a variety of data analytics and information systems related courses at the MBA and undergraduate levels. Prior to earning his Ph.D., he worked as a technology and management consultant for organizations in the consumer packaged goods, accounting and financial industries.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Aurigemma, S. & Mattson, T. (Forthcoming). Generally Speaking, Context Matters: Making the Case for Increased Emphasis on Specific Threat Contexts in Information Security Behavior Research. Journal of the Association of Information Systems, Volume TBD (Issue TBD), pp. TBD.
Kam, Hwee-Joo, Goel, Sanjay, & Mattson, Tom (Forthcoming). A Cross Industry Study of Institutional Pressures on Organizational Effort to Raise Information Security Awareness, Volume TBD (Issue TBD), pp. TBD.
Aurigemma, S. & Mattson, T. (2018). Exploring the Effect of Uncertainty Avoidance on Taking Voluntary Protective Security Actions. Computers & Security, 73(1), pp. 219-234.
Aurigemma, S., Mattson, T. (2017). Privilege or Procedure: Evaluating the Effect of Employee Status on Intent to Comply with Socially Interactive Information Security Threats and Controls. Computers & Security, 66(1): 218-234.
Mattson, T. (2017). Noise or Quality? Cross-Nested Hierarchical Effects of Culture on Online Ratings. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 40(1), Article 25.
Vaast, E., Davidson, E. J., and Mattson, T. 2013. Talking about Technology: The Emergence of a New Actor Category Through New Media, MIS Quarterly, 37(4): pp. 1069-1092.
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