Tom Cosse
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Top Paper in Marketing Education Track , Association for Marketing Theory and Practice Conference, Best paper in track at national association conference
Top Paper in Marketing Research Track , Association for Marketing Theory and Practice, Best paper in track at national association conference
Best Paper in Consumer and Buying-Related - Research Track, Society for Marketing Advances, Best paper in track at national association conference
Stephen J. Shaw Award, Society for Marketing Advances, Best Paper in Conference, at national association conferecne
Award for Outstanding Scholarly Activity, Robins School of Business, Robins School of Business Award for Outstanding Scholarly Activity, 1997-1998
Commonwealth of Virginia Governor's Award for Excellence, Virginia Department of Economic Development, International Market Planning Program, Letter of commendation for supervising MBA International Market Planning Project for a Virginia business
Top Paper in Marketing Research Track, Association for Marketing Theory and Practice, Top Paper in Marketing Research Track at national association conference
Commonwealth of Virginia Governor's Award for Excellence, Virginia Department of Economic Development, International Market Planning Program, Letter of commendation for supervising MBA International Market Planning Projects for a Virginia business
Commonwealth of Virginia Governor's Award for Excellence, Virginia Department of Economic Development, International Market Planning Program, Letter of commendation for supervising MBA international market planning project for a Virginia business
Robins School of Business Outstanding Teacher, Robins School of Business, Outstanding Teacher Award for period 1992-1993
Virginia Department of World Trade Professor of Business, Virginia Department of World Trade, Honorific Title and cash grant recognizing contribution to international activities on behalf of Virginia business through the Department of World Trades International Market Planning Program
American Marketing Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, American Marketing Association, Competitive Grant for dissertation research
Fellow, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, American Marketing Association, Selected by marketing facluty at University of Arkansas as PHD student in marketing to be the 1974 AMA Consortium Fellow -
Cosse J. Thomas, Ms. Manners meets Mr. Queally at the Robins School, EFMD Undergraduate Management Education Conference, Ume University, Ume, Sweden
Cosse J. Thomas, Developing International Executive Education Across Borders, European Foundation for Management Development Executive Education Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
Cosse J. Thomas, Is There Really a Difference between Teaching and Pedagogical Methods for Post-Experience Programs and Pre-Experience MBA Programs?, International Conference, Rouen, France
Cosse J. Thomas, Pedagogical differences in teaching professional, full time, and executive MBAs, International Panel and Conference, Rouen, France
Cosse J. Thomas, Effects of the EU's Bologna Accord on European/U.S. Student Exchange Programs, ESSEC 30th Anniversary Program, Cergy-Pontoise, France
Cosse J. Thomas, The Creation of International Learning Environments, 2005 Meeting on Undergraduate Management Education, Madrid, Spain
Cosse J. Thomas, Creating New and Sustainable Partnership, ASCSB Interational/efmd/CFBSD Conference on Strategic Alliances in Management Education Conference, Canada
Cosse J. Thomas, Required International Residencies for Part-time/Professional MBA Programs, Workshop presented at AACSB International Annual Meeting, LA
Cosse J. Thomas, Butler Martin, , Resource Funding Strategies for International Programs, Workshop presented at AACSB International Strategic Alliance Conference, France -
Academy of International Business
Business Association for Latin American Business Studies
Professional Experience
Previous positions include:
CSX Chair Professor, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. (July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2009).
Director, International Business, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. (July 2000 - June 2003).
Visiting Professor, European Business Studies, Institut de Formation Internationale Groupe-ESC. (March 1, 2002 - March 31, 2002).
Visiting Professor of Marketing, School of Management, University of Bath, UK. (January 1991 - May 1991).
Associate Dean and Director Graduate Programs, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. (July 1983 - January 1990).
Chair, Department of Marketing, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. (May 1977 - June 1981).
Instructor of Marketing, College of Business Administration, University of Arkansas. (August 1973 - May 1975).
Instructor of Economcis, College of Business Administration, University of Arkansas. (August 1972 - August 1973).
Visiting Professor, European Business Studies, ESC-Rouen, France, Institut de Formation Internationale Groupe-ESC. (April 1, 2003 - April 30, 2003).
Owner, Thomas J. Cosse -- Marketing Consultant to Management. (January 1980 - Present).
Partner, Hodges & Associates -- Marketing Research and Marketing Consulting. (January 1981 - December 1983).
Staff Consultant -- Marketing Research, Marketech Research, Inc./The Richards & Sparks Company. (January 1977 - August 1981).
Institutional Service
University of Richmond
Committee Member, International Center Committee. (October 15, 2010 - Present).
Committee Member, Fullbright Screening Committee. (October 12, 2010 - Present).
Committee Member, VFIC Harris Award Nomination Selection Committee. (August 19, 2009 - Present).
Carol Weinstein International Center Project Planning Committee, Member. (July 2007 - Present).
Committee Member, University Faculty Credentials Working Group. (2005 - Present).
Committee Member, SACS Accreditation Leadership Team. (March 2004 - Present).
Committee Member, University International Education Strategic Planning Committee. (September 2003 - Present).
Committee Member, University International Education Committee. (August 2000 - Present).
International Education Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
VFIC 2011 Harris Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Internal Selection Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
VFIC Harris Award Nomination Selection Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Member, VFIC Harris Award Nomination Selection Committee. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Member, International Education Associate Dean Search Committee. (July 1, 2007 - March 29, 2010).
Robins School of Business
Committee Member, Full Professors Committee.
Committee Member, Robins School Academic Council. (July 2000 - Present).
Committee Chair, Robins School International Business Committee. (July 2000 - Present).
Academic Council. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Full Professors Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Chair, International Business Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Member, Academic Council. (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Committee Member, Full Professors Committee. (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Committee Chair, International Business Committee. (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Committee Member, International Education Committee. (August 18, 2010 - May 9, 2011).
Chairperson, Speaker Search Committee. (September 2008 - May 2010).
Committee Member, Executive Education Advisory Committee. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Chair, International Business Committee. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Member, Strategic Planning Committee. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Chair, International Business Committee. (August 19, 2008 - May 11, 2009).
Committee Member, Robins School Strategic Planning Committee. (January 2006 - May 2007).
Committee Member, Robins School Graduate Council. (July 2003 - August 2006).
Committee Chair, Robins School Task Force on Internships. (August 2003 - July 2006).
Robins School Dean Search Committee, Member. (January 2005 - May 2005).
Committee Member, Robins School of Business Dean Search Committee, Member. (January 1999 - May 1999).
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Thomas J. Cosse, Terry M Weisenberger, Perceived Fairness in the Human Organ Allocation Process in the United States, Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 2001, 45-61
Thomas J. Cosse, Terry M Weisenberger, Words Versus Actions About Organ Donation: A Four Year Tracking Study of Attitudes and Self-Reported Behavior, Journal of Business Research, 2000, 297-303
Thomas J. Cosse, Terry M Weisenberger, Encouraging Human Organ Donation: Altruism Versus Financial Incentives, Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 1999, 77-94
Thomas J. Cosse, Gloria J. Taylor, L. J. McGraw, Terry M Weisenberger, The Coordinator Attrition Problem in the U.S.: Myth or Reality?, Journal of Transplant Coordination, 1998, 88-92
Thomas J. Cosse, Terry M Weisenberger, Saturn Buyers: Are They Different?, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 1997, 77-87
Thomas J. Cosse, John E. Swan, Market Planning by Product Managers: Room for Improvement?, Journal of Marketing, 1983,94-101
Thomas J. Cosse, John E. Swan, SHARE PROFIT: A Model for Product Managers, Business Horizons, 1983, 34-40
Thomas J. Cosse, Bob S. Hodges III, The Mail Survey: More To It Than Counting The Returns, Bank Marketing, 1983, 10-13
Thomas J. Cosse, John E. Swan, Power and Safety Appeals in Auto Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, 1981, 27-34
Thomas J. Cosse, Kevin J. McGovern, So You Want To Do A Shopping Study?, Bank Marketing, 1980, 18-21
Additional PublicationsThomas J. Cosse, Bob S. Hodges III, Open-Ended Questions to Improve Survey Accuracy and Efficiency, Marketing News, 1983, 10-13
Thomas J. Cosse, Thomas L. Reuschling, The Business School as a Corporate Resource: Implementing an Industrial Faculty Fellowship Program, Collegiate News & Views, 1980, 9-13
Thomas J. Cosse, Harold W. Babb, Unmarried Couple Households: A New Market Segment, American Demographics, 1979, 6-7