Mitch Conover
Mitchell Conover, Ph.D., CAIA, CFA, CIPM, is a professor in finance at the University of Richmond. Professor Conover's research has been cited in the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Barron's. It has appeared in the Financial Analysts Journal (6), Journal of Investing (3), Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Banking and Finance (2), Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Business, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Journal of Real Estate Research, Real Estate Economics Journal, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management (2), and numerous other journals. He is the author of five curriculum readings for the CFA Institute and the monograph, Investment Issues in Emerging Markets.Expand All
Grants and Fellowships
Robins School of Business Research Grants
Robins School of Business Teaching Innovation Award
Robins School of Business Outstanding Scholarship Award
Presentations for Charles Schwab, Kaplan Financial, NYSSA, Scotia Bank, and numerous academic conferences
CFA Institute
CFA Virginia
CAIA Association
Eastern Finance Association
Financial Management Association
Southern Finance Association
Professional Experience
University of Richmond (2000-current)
Grants and Fellowships
Selected Publications
Portfolio Performance Evaluation with Marc Wright, CFA Level III Exam Curriculum, Charlottesville: CFA Institute, 2020-2024.
Benchmarks with Daniel Broby and David Carino, CIPM Level I Exam Curriculum, Charlottesville: CFA Institute, 2013-2024.
Risk Measurement and Risk Attribution with Frances Barney and Philippe Gregoire. CIPM Level I Exam Curriculum, Charlottesville: CFA Institute, 2012-2024.
Market Indexes and Benchmarks, CFA Level III Exam Curriculum, Charlottesville: CFA Institute, 2014-2018. (sole author)
The Inclusion of International Assets (Developed and Emerging Markets) in the reading Asset Allocation, CFA Level III Exam Curriculum, Charlottesville: CFA Institute, 2014-2017.
Journal Articles“The Diversification Benefits from Foreign Real Estate: Evidence from 40 Years of Data” with Joseph D. Farizo, H. Swint Friday, and David S. North, forthcoming in the Journal of Risk and Financial Management.
“Monte Carlo and Bootstrapping Carry Trade Simulations in Excel” with Thomas M. Arnold and Joseph D. Farizo, forthcoming in the Journal of Economics and Finance Education.
“The Low-Risk Effect in Equities: Evidence from Industry Data in an Earlier Time” with Andrew C. Szakmary and Joseph D. Farizo, Financial Analysts Journal, 2023, 79:2.
“Emerging Markets: Is the Trend Still Your Friend?” with Gerald R. Jensen, Robert R. Johnson, and Andrew C. Szakmary, Global Finance Journal, February 2017, 32.
“What Difference Do Dividends Make?” with Gerald R. Jensen and Marc W. Simpson, Financial Analysts Journal, November/December 2016, 72:6.
“How Large are the Benefits of Emerging Market Equities?” with Gerald R. Jensen and Robert R. Johnson, Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, Fall 2014, 50:3-4. Excerpted in Investment Risk and Performance. SSRN's Top Ten download list for International Financial Markets articles, 2012-2015.
“Flexible Payout Policy in a Mature Industry: An Empirical Examination of Crown Cork and Seal” with James Ang, Tom Arnold, and Carol Lancaster, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Fall 2010, 22:4.
“Is Now the Time to Add Commodities to Your Portfolio?” with Gerald R. Jensen, Robert R. Johnson and Jeffrey M. Mercer, Journal of Investing, Fall 2010, 19:3. Cited in the Wall Street Journal, April 24 2010, page B9. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, November 2010, 40:4.
“Can Precious Metals Make your Portfolio Shine?” with Gerald R. Jensen, Robert R. Johnson and Jeffrey M. Mercer, Journal of Investing, Spring 2009, 18:1. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, August 2009, 39:3.
“The Timeliness of Accounting Disclosures in International Security Markets” with Andrew Szakmary and Robert Miller, International Review of Financial Analysis, December 2008, 17:5.
“An Examination of Value Line’s Long Term Projections” with Andrew Szakmary and Carol Lancaster, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2008, 32:5. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, November 2008, 38:4.
“Sector Rotation and Monetary Conditions” with Gerald R. Jensen, Robert R. Johnson and Jeffrey M. Mercer, Journal of Investing, 2008, 17:1. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, August 2008, 38:3.
“The Relationship between the Value Effect and Industry Affiliation” with John C. Banko and Gerald R. Jensen, Journal of Business, September 2006, 79:5. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, May 2007, 37:2.
“Is Fed Policy Still Relevant?” with Gerald R. Jensen, Robert R. Johnson and Jeffrey M. Mercer, Financial Analysts Journal, January/February 2005, 61:1.
“Diversification Benefits from Foreign Real Estate Investments” with H. Swint Friday and G. Stacy Sirmans, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 2002, 8:1. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, February 2003, 33:1.
“Emerging Markets: When Are They Worth It?” with Gerald R. Jensen and Robert R. Johnson, Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 2002, 58:2.
“Are the Best Small Companies the Best Investments?” with W. Scott Bauman and Don R. Cox, Journal of Financial Research, Summer 2002, 25:2. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, November 2002, 32:4.
“The Performance of Growth Stocks and Value Stocks in the Pacific Basin” with W. Scott Bauman and Robert E. Miller, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 2001, 4:2.
“An Analysis of the Cross-Section of Returns for Equity REITs using a Varying-Risk Beta Model” with H. Swint Friday and Shelly W. Howton, Real Estate Economics Journal, 2000, 28:1.
“Monetary Environments and International Stock Returns” with Gerald R. Jensen and Robert R. Johnson, Journal of Banking and Finance, 1999, 23:9.
“Monetary Conditions and International Investing”, with Gerald R. Jensen and Robert R. Johnson, Financial Analysts Journal, July/August 1999, 55:4. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, Winter 2000, 30:1.
“Investor Overreaction in International Stock Markets” with W. Scott Bauman and Robert E. Miller, Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer 1999, 25:4. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, Winter 2000, 30:1.
“Ownership Structure and the Value of the Firm: The Case of REITs”, with H. Swint Friday and G. Stacy Sirmans, Journal of Real Estate Research, 1999, 17:1/2. Received best paper award on REITs at the 1998 American Real Estate Society Meeting.
“Growth versus Value and Large-Cap versus Small-Cap Stocks in International Markets”, with W. Scott Bauman and Robert E. Miller, Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 1998, 54:2. Abstracted in The CFA Digest, Fall 1998, 28:4.
“The Lead-Lag Relationship between the Options and Stock Market and the Effect of Securities Regulation” with David R. Peterson, Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions, Spring 1999, 12:1.
“How Much is Purchasing Power Parity Worth?” with Stefan C. Norrbin, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, Spring 1998, 37:2.
“The Relationship between Size and Return for Foreign Real Estate Investments” with H. Swint Friday and Shelly W. Howton, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 1998, 4:2.
Additional PublicationsOver 20 publications in the CFA Digest, Investment Professional, and Contemporary Finance Digest.
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