Adam Marquardt
Adam Marquardt is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond. He received his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Oregon in 2007. His primary teaching responsibilities at the University of Richmond include teaching the Marketing Department's Strategic Brand Management, Sports Marketing, Entrepreneurial Marketing, and Marketing Management courses at both the undergraduate and MBA levels. Adam's research focuses on three main topic areas, brand management, relationship quality, and performance outcomes. Adam's work has been published in Industrial Marketing Management, the Journal of Services Marketing, the International Journal of Logistics Management, and Sports Marketing Quarterly. Adam has a strong background in developing marketing and branding strategy, and he works with a number of top companies and brands around the country.
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University of Richmond Summer Research Award, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond Summer Research Award of $10,000.
University of Richmond Summer Research Award, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond Summer Research Award of $15,000.
University of Richmond Summer Research Award, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond Summer Research Award of $15,000.University of Richmond Program for Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness Award (2015, 2012)
University of Richmond Quest Award, University of Richmond, University of Richmond Quest Award of $3,500 (Fall 2008)
University of Richmond Quest Award, University of Richmond, University of Richmond Quest Award of $3,500 (Spring 2008)
University of Richmond Quest Award, University of Richmond, University of Richmond Quest Award of $3,500 (Fall 2007)GSPHDP Research Award, University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business (2006)
Nominated for the best student paper award at the USASBE/ SBI Entrepreneurship Conference, Tucson, AZ (2006)
Kauffman Foundation Ph.D. Seminar in Entrepreneurship, Case Western University, Cleveland, OH (2005)
Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Seminar Scholarship Award (2005)
Merle King Smith Marketing Scholars Award, University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business (2003-2007)
Calvin Reed Smith Research Grant, University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business (2003-2007)
Merle King Smith Grant, University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business (2003-2007)
Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon (2003-2007)
Richland Ventures Fellowship Recipient, University of Tennessee (2001-2002)
Graduate Assistant, University of Tennessee (2001-2002)
Marquardt, Adam J. and Kiersten M. Maryott, Examining the Impact of Sports on Consumer Role Perceptions, 2013 SMA Conference, Albuquerque, NM
Marquardt, Adam J. and Kiersten M. Maryott, Consumer Lifestyle Perceptions: The Dynamic Influence of Sports, 2013 Summer AMA Marketing Educators' Conference, Boston, MA
Marquardt, Adam J., Relational Resources as a Builder of B2B Service Brand Equity, 2011 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, FL
Marquardt, Adam J., Jeffrey Stinson, and Joshua Chandley, University Branding: The Contribution of Intercollegiate Athletics, 2011 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Coral Gables, FL
Marquardt, Adam J., and Jeffrey L. Stinson, Brand Equity in Higher Education: The Role of Intercollegiate Athletics, 2010 Summer AMA Marketing Educators' Conference, Boston, MA
Marquardt, Adam J., Sports and Entertainment Marketing: Building Brands that Foster Meaning and Connection, University of Pittsburgh Guest Presentation, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA
Marquardt, Adam J., Designing Destiny: Building a Fulfilling Life Though Goals, Opportunities, and Your Personal Brand, Keynote Address for Kappa Alpha Theta Career Development Day, University of Richmond, 2010, Richmond, VA
Marquardt, Adam J., Behind the Curtain: The Building and Leveraging of Sports and Entertainment Brands, University of Pittsburgh, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA
Marquardt, Adam J., Sports Marketing: How Do I Get My Foot in the Door, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008, Richmond, VA
Godek, John, Adam J. Marquardt, and Lynn R. Kahle, Using Schadenfreude among Sports Fans as an Advertising Strategy, 2006 Summer AMA Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, IL
Marquardt, Adam J., The Impact of Organizational Vision, Creative Culture and Collaborative Relationships, 2006 USASBE/SBI Joint Conference, Tucson, AZ
Marquardt, Adam J., The Relationship between Self-Concept and Brand Image: Reflection or Projection, 2005 Winter AMA Marketing Educators' Conference, San Antonio, TX
Marquardt, Adam J., Brand Personality as a Differentiation Tool, 2004 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Vancouver, BC
Marquardt, Adam J., Susan L. Golicic, and Donna F. Davis, The Current State of Logistics Services Branding, 2004 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Vancouver, BC
United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
American Marketing Association
Academy of Marketing Science
Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning
Institutional Service
University of Richmond
Judge/ Reviewer, University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition Judge. (April 2011).
Served as judge and reviewer for University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition - providing feedback and recommendations to each of the session's participants.
Judge/ Reviewer, University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition Judge. (April 2010).
Served as judge and reviewer for University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition - providing feedback and recommendations to each of the session's participants.
Task Force Member, University of Richmond Ad Hoc Task Force and General Education Committee Member. (February 2009 - March 2010).
University of Richmond Ad Hoc Task Force and General Education Committee Member - Responsible for the Review and Proposal of Various General Education Options.
Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), University of Richmond Sales Case Competition Team Faculty Advisor. (October 8, 2009 - October 9, 2009).
Served as Faculty Advisor to a Group of University of Richmond Students who Competed in the National Team Selling Competition at the University of Indiana.
Judge/ Reviewer, University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition Judge. (April 2009).
Served as judge and reviewer for University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition - providing feedback and recommendations to each of the session's participants.
Judge/ Reviewer, University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition Judge. (April 2008).
Served as judge and reviewer for University of Richmond Business Pitch Competition - providing feedback and recommendations to each of the session's participants.
Robins School of Business
Center for Active Business Education (CABE) Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Chair, Marketing Capstone Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Marketing Department Program Development Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Robins School Library Committee. (August 17, 2011 - May 7, 2012).
Committee Member, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program Committee. (August 19, 2010 - May 10, 2011).
Committee Member, Program Assessment Committee. (August 19, 2010 - May 10, 2011).
Committee Member, Robins School Library Committee. (August 18, 2010 - May 10, 2011).
Committee Member, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program Committee. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Member, Program Assessment Committee. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Member, Assessment Committee. (August 19, 2008 - May 11, 2009).
Committee Member, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee. (August 19, 2008 - May 11, 2009).
Marketing Department
Committee Chair, Marketing Capstone Committee. (August 19, 2010 - May 10, 2011).
Committee Member, Marketing Department Program Development Committee. (August 19, 2010 - May 10, 2011).
Committee Chair, Marketing Capstone Committee. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Member, Marketing Department Program Development Committee,. (August 19, 2009 - May 10, 2010).
Committee Chair, Marketing Capstone Committee. (August 19, 2008 - May 11, 2009).
Selected Publications
Adam J. Marquardt, Managing Business-to-Business Service Brands, Business-to-Business Brand Management: Theory, Research and Executive Case Study Exercises, Advances in Business Marketing & Purchasing Series, 2009, 195-221
Journal ArticlesMarquardt, Adam J. (2013), Relationship Quality as a Resource to Build Industrial Brand Equity when Products are Uncertain and Future based, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 42 (8), 1386-1397.
Jeffrey L. Stinson, Adam J. Marquardt, and Joshua Chandley (2012), An Empirical Examination of University Intercollegiate Athletic Expenditures, Sports Marketing Quarterly, Volume 21 (2), 104-114.
Note: First and Second Authors Contributed Equally. Marquardt, Adam J., Susan L. Golicic, and Donna F. Davis (2011), Exploring the Branding of B2B Services, Journal of Services Marketing, Volume 25 (1), 47-57.
Adam J. Marquardt, Susan L Golicic, Donna F Davis, B2B Services Branding in the Logistics Services Industry, Journal of Services Marketing/ Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011, TBD
Note: All Three Authors Contributed Equally. Davis, Donna F., Susan L. Golicic, and Adam J. Marquardt (2009), Measuring Brand Equity for Logistics Services, International Journal of Logistics Management, Volume 20 (2), 201-212.
Davis, Donna F., Susan L. Golicic, and Adam J. Marquardt (2008), Branding a B2B Service: Does a Brand Differentiate a Logistics Service Provider, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 37 (2), 218-227. (Note: All Three Authors Contributed Equally).
Additional PublicationsDavis, Donna F., Susan L. Golicic, and Adam J. Marquardt, (2009), B2B Service Brands, in: Woodside A G. Glynn M. editors. Branding Strategies in B2B Marketing, Advances in Business Marketing & Purchasing Series, Volume 16. Amsterdam: JAI, An Imprint of Elsevier Science.
Kim, Woo Sung, David M. Boush, Adam J. Marquardt, and Lynn R. Kahle (2005), Values, Brands, and Image, in Lynn R. Kahle and Chung-Hyun Kim, Eds. Creating Images and the Psychology of Marketing Communication, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.