Aslan Lotfi
Assistant Professor of Analytics & Operations
Aslan Lotfi is an Assistant Professor of Analytics & Operations at the Robins School of Business at University of Richmond. Aslan received a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University. Falling under the broad realm of predictive analytics and modeling, Aslan's current research studies the diffusion of a behavior in a target population and factors influencing individuals to commit the behavior. For instance, a behavior of interest can be actively searching online environments for information about a new technology product or making initial and subsequent product purchases. He studies the digital attribution problem related to factors influencing the diffusion of a behavior and seeks to determine the effect of advertisements from different digital marketing channels on potential customers' adoption decisions. Aslan enjoys teaching various contents including Business Analytics, Database Management, Business Statistics, and Programming.
Journal Articles
Lotfi, Ali, Naoum-Sawaya, J., Lotfi, Aslan, & Jiang, Z. (2024). To skim or not to skim: studying the optimal pricing strategy for technology products. Omega, 127, 103079.
Lotfi, Aslan, Jiang, Z., Lotfi, Ali, & Jain, D. C. (2023). Estimating life cycle sales of technology products with frequent repeat purchases: a fractional calculus-based approach. Information Systems Research, 34(2), 409-422.
Qu, X., Lotfi, A., Jain, D. C., & Jiang, Z. (2022). Predicting upgrade timing for successive product generations: an exponential‐decay proportional hazard model. Production and Operations Management, 31(5), 2067-2083.