Amit Eynan
Amit Eynan is Professor of Analytics & Operations at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, where he served as Chairman of the Management Department. He earned a Ph.D. in Operations and Manufacturing Management and an M.S. in Business Administration from Washington University in St. Louis. His research interests focus on firms’ performance improvement through optimization of inventory, distribution and supply chain systems, production planning and control, product design, business processes and facilities layout. Dr. Eynan has taught various Operations Management and Supply Chain Management courses spanning from undergraduate and MBAs to executives which allowed him to share his experience and knowledge from numerous industries including electronics, information processing, wood, food, distribution and transportation in which he worked prior to pursuing an academic career. Amit is a member of a pioneering team, which enhanced internationalization of the curriculum via Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) with schools in France and the Netherlands. He also engages with several professional societies supporting the future of the profession. Most recently he served as the general chair of the Production and Operations Management Society conference, as well as VP for Europe, and VP for Africa and Middle-East, prior.
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CBL Fellow, Center for Civic Engagement
Marcile And James Reid Professor, Washington University
Highest Quality Rating Citation of Excellence, Anbar Electronic Intelligence -
Eynan Amit, Flexible vs. Dedicated Capacity in Serial Processes, INFORMS
Eynan Amit, Narasimhan Chakravarti, Optimal Pricing of Finite Capacity, INFORMS Meeting, Pittsburgh -
Professional Experience
Previous positions include:
Associate Professor, Washington University. (1998 - 2003).
Assistant Professor, Washington University. (1993 - 1998).
Head of System Analysis and Operations, Center for System Analysis. (1987 - 1989).
System Analyst, Center for System Analysis. (1984 - 1987).
Assistant Director of Production, Sintel Systems. (1983 - 1984).
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
“How Can Markets Solve NIMBY Problems? Political Institutions for Achieving Efficiency” with T. Hamilton, European Journal of Operational Research, 2023.
“Advertising, Goodwill, and the Veblen Effect” with R. Chenavaz, European Journal of Operational Research, 2021.
“Selling Finite Capacity in Bulks” with C. Narasimhan, Decision Sciences, 2017.
“Survey Masters LLC (B)” with W. Bruns and K. Krumwiede, Case study, Harvard Business School Publishing, 2016.
“Jefferson Plumbing Supply”. Case study in The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM, Financial Times Press, 2013.
“Design of Flexible Multi-Stage Processes” with L. Dong, Production and Operations Management, 2012.
“The Impact of Component Commonality on Composite Assembly Policies” with M. Rosenblatt, Naval Research Logistics, 2007.
“Effective and Simple EOQ-like Solutions for Stochastic Demand Periodic Review Systems” with D. Kropp, European Journal of Operational Research, 2007.
“Capturing the Risk Pooling Effect through Demand Reshape” with T. Fouque, Management Science, 2003.
“The Benefits of Flexible Production Rates in the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem,” IIE Transactions, 2003.